Exclusive Interview with AnonGlobo of #Anonymous

AntiSec via AnonGlobo on Twitter

AntiSec via AnonGlobo on Twitter

AnonymousGlobo is one of those Anonymous Twitter accounts that simply seems to be ahead of everyone else; whatever it’s tweeting about right now will be all over the headlines in a week’s time, most likely for having been the victim of hacktivist attacks. And most likely, successful ones. That puts the account squarely in our sights for an interview, and here, long overdue, it finally is. This was probably also our most secure interview as well, but then it’s time we ramped up our encryption game around here anyway.

The Cryptosphere: Is AnonGlobo a group account or an individual? Is it a team?

AnonymousGlobo: AnonGlobo is a group that consists of 6 people. We are active since half 2012 but we made it international by August 2014, with #OpSaveGaza. I [personally have] been part of OpSyria, OpHong Kong, among smaller ones.

Tell me about the recent Chinese hacks you have tweeted about.

Well, the site’s list can be found in the tweets by AnonGlobo. We wanted to show the Chinese government that the world is aware of everything that has been going on there, to make them knowing that the Chinese people do have the rights to ask for a better China for all Chinese folks. The message we want to spread among the Chinese with this Op is that they are not alone and we are joining forces as we can with them for a greater good.

Why is Syria in your sights now? Why warn them you are coming?

The Syrian government is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of children and refugees. That is why we want to attack them now. In short we are going to attack the government, pressing them to make something about the civil war that is going on for 2 years now. We want a solution for it. Peace is always the best way. We have never dealt with the Syrian Electronic Army, but we are aware of its great skills.

And Mexico?

After the police killed those 43 students and none of them got punished, we decided to do something about it. We hope the Mexicans do not forget about those deaths, and they keep fighting for justice. We hope that they use this oportunity to make Mexico a more righteous country.

What have been your favorite actions?

In my opinion OpPayback was my favourite. In this one we defended WikiLeaks and its contribution with the leaked secret datas. That is a very important work for all of us in our fight for true Freedom. We all had the feeling of unity during that time. That is the greatest feeling one can have, and we absolutely have it here in Anonymous.

In 2012 when Sabu was found to be an traitor and worked as an informer to FBI, we were kinda shocked and we lost a bit of confidence, compromising the movement.

Why are you a part of Anonymous? 

I am part of it cause I understand that is the best way to fight for what we believe. It is all about letting people know that they are not alone.

Categories: Activism, Anonymous, AnonymousGlobo, Cyber, Hackers, Hacktivism, News, Politics

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