Epistemology, Podcasts, and the Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your House: Welcome to Night Vale

Cecil welcomes you to Night Vale

Cecil welcomes you to Night Vale. WELCOME!

Welcome, kittens. Welcome to Night Vale.

Things may seem a little strange here, but if you get confused or frightened, don’t worry; you can always flag down one of the passing blue helicopters of the Sheriff’s Secret Police and ask for help. Do not flag down black, yellow, or multicolored helicopters painted with birds of prey. They are not as helpful and obliging as the Sheriff’s Secret Police, and are far more likely to kidnap your children.

Welcome to Night Vale is … a little different. Even for a weird, fictional podcast set in a dystopian desert community and communicated to you via genial community radio announcer Cecil Gershwin Palmer, it’s a little different. It has, for instance, outranked Beyoncé as the #1 download on iTunes for a brief, glorious period. Why? Well, you either take my word for it (which you should, in all things) or you can click to watch the following PBS video How Does Night Vale Confront Us With The Unknown.

Then you should subscribe. Take my word for it.

FYI Night Vale is also now on YouTube, should you be an “I never listen to podcasts but I live on YouTube” person. They exist.

Here’s the subscription info from Commonplace Books:

You can subscribe to this podcast via iTunes or Stitcher or Libsyn or Podbay or any podcast app or Soundcloud.

You can also now listen on our official Youtube channel, where we will also be uploading occasional behind the scenes videos and bonus content.

Written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. Music by Disparition. Logo by Rob Wilson

Incidentally, this item? This is the best thing in the Welcome to Night Vale store, which has many very good things. Its immortal words were featured in our very first Crypto-Affirmation.

Featured Image via Natalie Green on Twitter

Categories: Conspiracy, Crypto, Crypto-Affirmation, Epistemology, Humor, Identity, Media, Philosophy, Podcast, Radio, Surveillance, Weird

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