Interwebbed: Crypto and Cyber Headlines for Tuesday

war and peace

war and peace

Today’s links are all about war, war, cyberwar, protests, militarization, war, Bitcoin, and war. Make that latte a double; you’re gonna need it!

The Americans are coming! The Americans are coming! To wipe out your pirate sites! (Torrentfreak)

The Electronic Freedom Foundation’s cell phone guide for protesters (EFF)

Julian Assange: Sun or Cell infographic (AndrewBath)

Carl Sagan’s baloney-detection kit (FilmsForAction)

The FBI starts a branch for intelligence; implications for rest of FBI not specified, but pretty obvious to anyone of…oh, what’s the word? (FBI)

Social media and political activism (AnonHQ)

Medical records hacked and stolen: 4.5 million of them (Fox2Now)

Underminers: a practical guide for radical change (Cyberguerrilla)

Today in Orwellian headlines: The Unaccompanied Alien Children Processing Chart (FAS)

Shopping for spies: how breaches create catalogues for recruiters (HSToday)

The hunt for clues in the MtGox meltdown continues (Coindesk)

Sorry we attacked your wedding with drones. Here’s some money (WaPo)

CSIS to world: Suck it (Twitter)

The Situation Room situation (USAToday)

Army gives up on real food, tries 3D printed food (ArmyTimes)

Snowdens: can’t catch ’em all! (DailyBeast)


To Terrify and Occupy: how militarization is turning cops into counterinsurgents (WarIsBoring)


Image of War and Peace by Jayel Aheram on Flickr

Categories: Bitcoin, Censorship, Court Cases, Cryptocurrency, Cyberwar, Drones, Edward Snowden, FBI, Ferguson, Leaks, Manifestos, Money, MtGox, News, Pirates, Police, Politics, US Government, War

Well, tell us what you think!