Crypto Currently: Prices for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and a digression on just what the hell is going on right now



Well, short form: Nobody knows.

Long form: Nobody knows but there are plenty of possible causes for the fact Bitcoin dropped a quarter of its value and fell through to the $400 benchmark. Everything tied to the Bitcoin math similarly fell, although there’s no particular reason for it. Is it margin trading? Is it exchange hacks eroding confidence? Is it big banks getting in there and eviscerating the competition? Nobody knows. Hang tough or sell at a loss; those are your brutal choices and each must be made in a blind fog.

Bitcoin: $489.10999977

Litecoin: $4.000000000

Dogecoin: $o.ooo12500


Prices via Cryptsy

Featured image via Jyrki Salmi on Flickr

Categories: Bitcoin, Crypto Currently, Cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Money, News

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