#Anonymous Alleged Hacker Lauri Love Released on Bail

Free Lauri Love

Free Lauri Love courtesy Technomageindustries.co.uk

As of an hour ago political gadfly, Cryptosphere contributor, and alleged Army, NASA, Federal Reserve, EPA et al hacker Lauri Love is out of prison and back on the internet. He was arrested at his home Wednesday morning by British police, on an extradition warrant. Additionally he faces US charges of computer hacking from three different jurisdictions: New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.

In a friends-only post to Facebook, Love said:

Hi, I’m back from HMP Thameside and fine and well and appreciate all the care and concern and love you all dearly <3.

(…even the 17 journalists whose friend request I just accepted, who should not get too excited about comments and interviews until I’ve had a chance to confer with Karen Todner and Mel Riley regarding press positioning.)

Well, we caught him before he conferred with anyone, and here is what he told us.

“I’m fine, considering that privately-run prisons are just as hilariously tragic as you’d imagine.” We didn’t even know the UK had such animals. Bail was set at £ 5,000 and was paid by Love’s parents; it’s not an easy sum for a vicar and his wife to come up with. “We don’t ordinarily have bail bonds at all.” Love told us he should have been bailed Wednesday and never gone to prison at all, but there was a bureaucratic screw-up of some kind, resulting in the temporary incarceration. Several outlets reported erroneously that he was released on Wednesday.

In the comments on his Facebook post, Love urged supporters to write to their MPs, stressing that original letters are far more powerful than copypasta. More information will have to wait until he’s consulted with his PR and legal advisors.

Anonymous, of course, is not waiting for authorization or talking points, and has gone ahead with the revival of the #FreeLove movement and beginning of #OpFreeLove.

On Pastebin, shots were definitely fired while Love thumb-twiddled or whatever they do in British prisons.

#FreeLove #FreeLove #FreeLove #FreeLove | Allegedly [Lauri] Love can move mountains =D

No way did he…hack 5,000 NASA employees, the EPA, the Missile Defense Agency, the Federal Reserve, and the US Army…

5 Times them US of bloody A has tried to get Brits Xtra-dited to the land of the Percecutors. Four times they failed. This will be the same. Lets look at history – lets let history repeat itself. The key to #Love is Theresa May. Lets leave some Love for her everywhere.

Im just a #LittleFirlFromNJ. Someone should make a real .bin so every1 can joins in. I’m worried about Love. Nobody heard from him after the v&.

#BeItAsItMay #TheresaMay #FreeLove

Home office, Home secretary Theresa May




“I didn’t know if it was even in the news until I got on IRC and had a storm of memos,” he told us. Oh, it’s news all right. Just ask those 17 journalists with Friend Requests in.

His next hearing is September 1, Labour Day.

Categories: Activism, Anonymous, Bureaucracy, Court Cases, Hackers, Hacktivism, Lauri Love, News, Politics, Security, UK, US Government

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