Interwebbed: Cyber and Crypto News for March 16

Obama has his (retinally recognized) eye on you. via L'Important on Twitter

Obama has his (retinally recognized) eye on you. via L’Important on Twitter

Hackers and Hectors and Humint, oh my! What a weekend it’s been, kittens! The now-infamous Sabu and Stuckey Hot Tub Party Vine has gifted the Cryptosphere with its biggest day ever, a single human hair shy of the magical 10,000 marker. Let it not be said that we were too proud to stoop for pageviews, my friends. Oh, perish the thought! Why, if we could hit that every day we could free our slaves editorial interns and maybe even get a bus pass.

Heady times, kittens, heady times.

Hey! You cybered my battleship! Could you stop cyber terrorists taking control of HMS Belfast? (Telegraph)

From the Archives: Hacked off: LulzSec’s Jake Davis talks about his life on the Dark Web (EveningStandard)

Strategies for Growing the Transhumanism Movement (PsychologyToday)

Mexico’s version of WikiLeaks causes controversy before its first story (WaPo)

Video: Prison program aims to turn criminals into coders (CBS)

Where IS the Techniker? (Buzzfeed, god help me)

Silence of the Spambots: Is Putin Kaput? (WorldPost)

Asteroid detection? There’s an app for that (NASA)

Write a Letter to Support Lorax (Cyberguerrilla)

Edward Snowden issues ‘call to arms’ for tech companies in secret SXSW meeting (TheVerge)

Swedish prosecutors finally agree to London interview for Assange™ (TheRegister)

Sean’s Outposts Serves its 150,000th crypto-funded meal (CoinTelegraph)

Categories: Anonymous, Bitcoin, Crime, Cyber, Hackers, Hacktivism, Media, News

Well, tell us what you think!