#Anonymous, #Sony, #Hackers and Other Hashtags: The Cryptosphere Editor Lorraine Murphy on the John, Paul and Mic Show

John Paul and Mic

John Paul and Mic

Well, this was fun.

Basically, I love podcasts because I don’t have to comb my hair; hell, sometimes I don’t even have to get out of my pajamas. For the John, Paul and Mic show, however, I had to be somewhat presentable since it was recorded in Victoria’s tech park development and you know how the chinos-and-expensive-hoodie crowd can be. Consequently I wore my grey flannel pants and my black Anonymous Pirate hoodie from the Free Anons store (where you should just BUY ALL THE THINGS). I even combed my hair. Well, I tried.

Now that you’ve had your fashion update, let’s introduce our hosts.

John Juricic heads up Harbour Digital Media, which is based in the tech park. John is a genial business guy who seems to get a vicarious kick out of some of the weirdos Paul knows, me included. He keeps things focused.

Paul Holmes is a recovering web guy and former master of domains, now earning an honest crust as a financial professional. He’s the co-founder of Social Media Camp, the largest (and one of the oldest) event of its kind in Canada. He’s also a guy who needs to re-install Tapped Out on his phone, because I’m losing Friend points.

The John, Paul and Mic podcast has recorded 28 episodes and boasts over 6,000 plays. You can check out their Patreon and make a monthly donation if you’re feeling like supporting worthwhile podcasts.

In this episode, we discuss the Sony hack, the political principles behind encryption, carders, the philosophy of Anonymous and the state of “being” Anonymous, Barrett Brown, the Illuminati, crime fighting and the NSA, Sabu and LulzSec (they had to edit that because I got a little sweary), jihadis and the Beatles, and the Dark Web. Enjoy (unless your name is Hector X. Monsegur, in which case you already know what to expect).

Categories: Activism, Anonymity, Anonymous, Barrett Brown, Bitcoin, Carders, Crime, Crypto, Cyber, Dark Web, DDoS, Encryption, Hackers, News, Operation Global Media Domination, Podcast, Privacy, Security

Well, tell us what you think!