Fake Anonymous Group Profiting From #OpISIS And RT Is Helping

It’s an old trick: download somebody’s video, re-upload it to your own account, slap some ads on it, and spam it as wide as you can. Looks like some AnonImposters picked the wrong targets this time, when they stole Redcult’s video. Redcult is a hacker crew with deep skills and deeper connections, and their particular specialty is doxing. I wouldn’t want to be those imposters when Redcult finds them.

RT, among other media outlets, has picked up the ripoff video rather than the original, and is driving ad clicks to it. AnonIntelGroup debunks the fake and exposes the fraud in this article with links to the original documents.

Source: Fake Anonymous Group Profiting From #OpISIS And RT Is Helping

Categories: Anonymous, Attack, Fraud, Hackers, Hacktivism, RedCult

4 replies

  1. Hope the fake ends up homeless


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